Ribston Limited
Ribston Limited was established in December 2015 by three Directors.
James Havery
Former Director and co-head of the UK operational and management businesses of Hansteen Holdings plc; and prior to that the Senior Regional Director of the Ashtenne Industrial Fund.
Mark Ovens
Former Director and co-head of the UK operational and management businesses of Hansteen Holdings plc; and prior to that Managing Director of the Ashtenne Industrial Fund.
Joe Havery
Formerly of Ashtenne Holdings plc where he was the key asset manager on the t3 Partnership. This was a trade park fund with institutional investors, launched in 2001 and then fully invested before being sold for £96m in November 2005, generating annual returns in excess of 25%. More recently he was the founder and owner manager of an advisory business.
The three have worked together for many years dating back to their time at Ashtenne Holdings PLC in the late 1990’s and 2000’s, through it’s sale in 2005 to Warner Estate PLC, and onto Hansteen Holdings PLC in 2009 where James and Mark established, led and grew the UK division whilst sitting on the Executive Management Board from a standing start to a portfolio of three large co-invested funds (including the taking back of the Ashtenne Industrial Fund from Warner), together with a sizeable balance sheet of PLC owned assets .
Following the sale of Ashtenne to Warner Estate, Joe worked as a consultant on the sale of a multi-asset portfolio in 2006; and the three started working together again in 2010 following Hansteen’s £80m acquisition of Kilmartin’s assets from Administrators. The acquisition pre-dated the assembly of Hansteen’s regional platform and working alongside James and Mark, Joe took responsibility for asset management of properties throughout the UK which led to widescale individual disposals.
A combined experience in excess of 90 years within the property industry, predominantly in the industrial sector.
Ribston was established to launch and participate in RPUT.
The Directors have an established track record of raising, investing and returning equity to institutional investors with real performance.
Focused and dedicated to RPUT with personal investment aligning themselves with investors.